Lance Cartmell

Lance Cartmell


500lb Squat

485lb Deadlift

300lb Clean

235lb Snatch

3rd place overall bodybuilding


Competed in Bodybuilding

Compered in Powerlifting

Competed in CrossFit

Played Collegiate Soccer

About Coach

Hi! My name is Lance and I’m one of the coaches here! I spent my whole life playing sports. In College, I played soccer and played on our Travel Club Volleyball team. While in college I became interested in exercise and exercise science. Through that, I competed in Bodybuilding. This lead me to a love of fitness and sharing that passion with others so I became a personal trainer. Over the last 15 years, my passion for different fitness modalities has changed but my passion for coaching has not. 5 years ago my journey led me to CrossFit. Through getting the L1 and participating in my local gym to competing in various CrossFit events I’ve found the methodology of CrossFit to be the best overall fitness tool out there. I’ve been apart of Long Road for a few years now as both a coach and a member and I truly love what I do and who I get to do it with.

Turning Point

While I have participated in sports my whole life, as I graduated college there was a void that was hard to fill when I was no longer competing for anything. The bodybuilding/powerlifting life got stale and I was looking for something fresh. I was tired of looking fit but not actually being fit. This led me to CrossFit which provided an outlet to compete but also became a fitter version of myself without losing the things I had been working towards.

Motivation & Passion

My purpose is people. I love competition and I love coaching competitive athletes. However, seeing someone progress from just walking into the door with no experience to being able to feel confident in their body and their ability brings me the greatest joy.

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