Amanda Clarkson

Amanda Clarkson

Crossfit Kids Coach

Snatch 1306:47 minute mile

Ran 3 half marathons, hopefully many more to come!


About Coach

I played volleyball at North Central University in Minneapolis, MN. I was a first team all American NCCAA Division II and hold the top 4 spot for kills and top 6 for points scored at my college. One of my highlights of each season was when our team would run a volleyball camp for a school in an underprivileged area of the city. Some of the girls we coached we were able to see year after year, and it was really sweet to be able to keep in touch with some of the grade school girls for years after, even as they entered adulthood. I found so much fulfillment in coaching these incredible girls and helping them excel in the sport each year, but even more in being their cheerleader as some as them, too, went on to College and pursued professional careers. I love getting the opportunity to be a positive influence in the lives of kids, and as I became a mom that love has only developed more!

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion

My purpose is to see our kids grow in confidence of their own personal capabilities and strength, knowing that it will spill into other areas of their lives! I love working with all age groups and being a part of instilling a love for physical activity and movement as well as habits of mindfulness surrounding nutrition and how we fuel our bodies to carry on with them into adulthood.

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